We would like to welcome you in the Jordanian Engineers Liaison Committee in Germany, which is the only committee for Jordanian engineers in the continent of Europe. JEA Germany was re-established at the beginning of the year 2020 to support fellow Jordanian engineers and their families in different aspects in Germany in particular, and in the continent of Europe.
We have been counselling students for educational opportunities in Foreign countries. Fusce non mi at nisl laoreet pretium. Nulla ut elementum sapien an pulvinar augue.
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Connecting people together means also sharing experiences they went through, facts they learned and some practical advice. For that reason, we established this section to enable Jordanian Engineers access a unified information resource, not only regarding living and working in Germany, but also scientific and technical knowledge. Our articles are updated frequently to keep you up to speed with the developments and changes you need.
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To find out more about our collaboration and advertising opportunities, contact us.